Sunday, March 28, 2010

Skin Care mask With Natural Honey

The skin heals is one of the common preoccupations but of the health and the beauty by people, and today legitimate so. Our skin is our greater organ of the bodies, and when our skin seems neither feels or, it is exposed so that the rest of the world sees.

Therefore, there are hundreds of companies that sell thousands of products, competing everything to have the well-taken care of product of skin super sales. Although this is not intrinsically bad, many of these companies load an arm and a leg for the products that chemically are based, they pose a risk of skin irritation, and damage to the atmosphere.

Nevertheless, there are effective alternatives to the care of chemical skin. All the natural, homemade remedy can often reach the same results that the based chemical agents, but without the irritation indirect effect or ua.

One of the best forms of taken care of of natural homemade skin is masks. The masks can be made of a great variety of ingredients in the country to reach what they are his needs of the care of skin. In addition, most of the ingredients are easy to find, and very affordable.

The homemade done mask more popular is a mask of the oats flour that is a simple, totally safe mask, and works perfectly for people with the oily skin. The ingredients are as it follows:

1/3 cup of regulating or quickly cooks the oats flour (1-3 minutes)

cup of honey

cup of water

To mix the water and the together flour of oats, and to cook. Then, to fix the flour of oats to a side to refresh and to thicken. As one is refreshing, to mix itself in the cup of ? of honey. Once the mask well is mixed and it refreshes, to apply a layer uniforms fine to the skin.

To have well-taken care of when applying this mask around the eyes. Although totally he is safe, the oats flour can cause the irritation of slight eye. To still improve, to place a tea purse used on the eyelids to reduce to any redness or irritation of eye.

The way the works of this mask is simple. The oats flour in the mask is primary "the active" ingredient. It works to absorb the oil surplus in the skin and pores. The oats flour also will help to clear to excess of epithelial cells, and exfoliate the skin. The honey is simply giving return to the oats flour there in a doughy, sticky consistency that adheres to the skin.

Another all the natural treatment of the skin is to use the lemon juice to help exfoliate and to refresh the skin.

The lemon juice is an acid of the fruit, acid hidroxi AKA alpha. It works in a way similar to salicilico acid, unless natural one is 100% all. The "glue" will help exfoliate the skin reducing that the epithelial cells died of the causes to stick to the skin.

This one is one the simplest masks that you can do, and is really more than a "explanation" that any thing. The unique necessary ingredients are juice of the water and lemon. To mix 1 portion of water to 5 portions of lemon juice, and to give massages to the solution on its face. Then, to clarify its face with fresh water. To make sure to clarify well, because it can cause the skin irritation if it is lazy ignition too much of length.

Although these are all natural ones, is always the best one to before use consult to a dermatologist any treatment of the care of skin. When they are used correctly, these masks are alternative effective to many of expensive, chemical products sold in warehouses.

source: Natural Daily Skin Care

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The new technologies tighten the skin of the head to the toe without surgery

If the skin that yields is obtaining him down, the recent advances in technologies of skin-fit can raise to their spirited drinks and their skin in a question of some visits from the office to their dermatologist. The beauty of these noninvading procedures is its capacity to virtually treat the loose skin anywhere in the body without the associated risks and the idling to surgery.

Speaking today in academy American of academy of summer of dermatology that solved 2007, dermatologist David J. Goldberg, Md, JD, FAAD, professor clinical of dermatology and director of investigation of laser in Faculty of Medicine of mount Sinaí in New York, N.Y., discussed area fast of extension of techniques of skin-fits and how they can surely deal with and effective way the skin that yield in the cheeks, the neck, the arms, and the stomach, as well as the cellulitis.

“The monopole technology (RF) of the radio frequency, that was introduced five years ago and that are credited as the first device of skin-fits non-surgical, has been the catalyst for which now is an explosion in the noninvading skin that tightens with diverse technologies and areas of the body that we can try,” said to Dr. Goldberg. “Original they raised the eyebrows, the monopole RF was found to be effective in the adjustment of the area of the cheeks and the neck with its unique approach to refresh the external layer of skin whereas it warmed up the deepest layers to cause the adjustment. This basic principle is what formed many of the last technologies of skin-it fits.”

Light sources of Ample-Phantom

The dermatologists now have their selection of several light sources of the ample-phantom to deal with the loose skin in the areas about the face and the body. To use one sells ample of the infrared light that extends in wavelength from the 850 to 1800 nanometers (nm), the new devices produce the deep heating in the average layer of skin that stimulates the new formation of the colágeno in a certain term. Like with the monopole RF, the external layer of skin stays intact with a device of continuous cooling.

“System of shipment that these devices use and the diverse depths to which gives the heat are fixed what them aside from one to, that it is what the dermatologists evaluate when they select a technology for the area of the skin who are trying,” they said to Dr. Goldberg. “For example, the light sources of the ample-phantom and the diverse treatment of the size of the monopole use of the RF incline to give energy to the skin. Greater extremities are better for greater surfaces of the skin, whereas the smallest extremities are used for more areas confined of the loose skin that require a concentrated delivery of the energy.”

In some patients, the adjustment of the skin is visible following the treatment initial, whereas others gradually notice the improvement in a certain term. The Dr. Goldberg added that whereas the results vary, the studies demonstrate that skin that typically tightens with the light sources of the ample-phantom finally at least 12 months.

“These new technologies allow that we deal with more young person and less patients with equal degrees success,” they said to Dr. Goldberg. “While the area that is treated implies only the superficial fat nonloose loose of the skin or muscle to any area of the body does not have to be outside the limits for a procedure of skin-fits.”

Single-pole radio frequency for the cellulitis

The Dr. Goldberg headed a recent study that is pending publication and was designed to determine the results of a new single-pole device, volumetric (RF) of the radio frequency to treat the cellulitis. With their irregularity of the skin of the “orange rind” and to form hoyuelos characteristic of the rumps and the thighs, the cellulitis affects more than 85 percent of women post-pubescentes.

The single-pole RF is different from other radioinstrumentos previously described in which this device does not produce electrical currents within the weave of the skin. In place, the electromagnetic radiation of high frequency is produced by this technology not-laser.

“The best way to describe how this treatment works is to think about her like a mixer-like effect on the skin, implying the high speed molecule rotation through the skin that generates heat,” it said to Dr. Goldberg. “The heat disperses to the surrounding weave, allowing the deepest structures of the skin where the cellulitis forms to be with effectiveness heated.”

In the study, the Dr. Goldberg evaluated if the single-pole RF-induced heating deep could tighten the irregularities of the cellulitis skin when it was administered in six sessions of the treatment every two weeks. The 30 patients it dealed with, 27 demonstrated evidence of the clinical improvement in his cellulitis according to the measured thing by an independent evaluator. The bad diminution of the circumference of the leg was 2,45 cm (1,2 inches), and the improvement described in a scale 1 to 4 (4 are highest) was observed to be 2.9. The biopsies taken from skin sample the demonstrated adjustment of the dermis, and analysis of blood as well as the projection of image of magnetic resonance of the treated areas did not demonstrate any abnormality.

“The improvement that we saw with the single-pole device of the radio frequency in the adjustment of the cellulitis was major that the results disclosed previously with the two-terminal networks and of little energy of the laser,” explained to Dr. Goldberg. “In fact, few treatments were necessary and better results were observed with this new approach. What is to see is how long the treatment results last and if the approaches combined with other modalities will even take to improve results.”

Although the last technologies of skin-fit offer to patients a range of options of the treatment, the Dr. Goldberg tensed that he is vital that the patients look for a consultation with an experienced doctor in the last procedures.

“When deciding in what technology to use for each individual patient, I make the decision based on the results of clinical studies of using the several technologies, that of the systems of shipment of the devices will work better for the area of the treatment, and my own personal experience with the technology,” it said to Dr. Goldberg. “In the right hands, these the new skin that tightens techniques can produce sensible improvements.”

Established headquarters in Schaumburg, Illinois, the American academy of dermatology (academy), founded on 1938, he is the greatest, most influential one, and the majority of the representative of all the dermatológicas associations. With a quality of member of more than 15,000 doctors by everybody, the academy is trusting a: advance of the diagnosis and the medical, surgical and cosmetic treatment of the skin, the hair and the nails; support of majors levels in practice, the education, and the investigation clinical in dermatology; and supporting and heightening the patient care for a course of the life of a skin, a hair and healthier nails.

Source Natural Daily Skin Care

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Five important councils for correct care of a face skin!

Five important councils for correct care of a face skin

The face - the card of the person. On it judge, it estimate, with it fall in love. Therefore women in all centuries tried to hold a face skin in ideal, how much it allows age, a condition. On what only a victim of the lady, and in last century and men, go for the sake of an embodiment to a life of treasured dream to have a healthy and equal skin. The basic secrets of a beautiful skin are old, as light. But observing them, the person will take a shining form.

Rule the first. Water - a health source. Therefore do not suppose a lack of a liquid of an organism. It concerns not only summer, the winter - is time, when the skin especially requires humidifying. Do not forget to put humidifying creams on the face for the night. In a dream of a cage of a skin are recycled and demand a special food.

Rule number two. Do not forget to clean always a face skin before a dream. If you have come from work and are not going to leave any more, remove a make-up, not waiting an evening shower. The cosmetics rests close a time, do not give to them is high-grade to breathe, pollute them. Then on a skin there are various heat-spots. Timely clearing - an indispensable condition of an excellent condition of a skin. Do not forget to clean hair from the face when will spray their varnish, after all it puts fragile, got tired of a make-up, a skin fabric an irreparable harm.

Rule the third. The dream is health, undoubtedly, it is reflected in a skin first of all. The most notable beauties of the world know, that there is no the best medicine for the exhausted condition of the person, than a high-grade long dream. Sleep not less than eight hours and find time for the pedestrian walks on fresh air, and the skin will answer you with a shining, healthy kind.

The fourth rule. Do not take a great interest in cosmetology means and procedures. Cleaning in salon more often, than time for a month to do it is not necessary. As whenever possible replace store products for care of a skin with house masks and scrub. We will recollect our grandmothers, after all their skin looked much more healthy, than ours though for care it used that was near at hand: vegetables, fruit, milk.

Rule the fifth. A healthy food. Yes, probably, many about it know, but is very small that, is capable to refuse from acute food, fried, and furthermore - sweet. Pay attention, after holidays with magnificent feasts necessarily on the face there are circles and pimples. If poured out a forehead - there are problems with intestines. That is, today we eat, and tomorrow we will see it on the face.

More about cleaning of homemade skin and Skin care information and natural treatments for various skin problems //